Wellness with Horses
Our Wellness with Horses program is uniquely designed to positively impact trauma-affected participants.
Currently, we serve two primary population groups:
Veterans, military-connected individuals, first responders and their families
Youth who are affected by family disruption, trauma, grief or loss, including those who have experienced foster care and/or adoption
What to Expect
​Participants must be able to commit to an 8-week session with weekly classes at our private Magnolia-based facility. Classes are typically one hour long; the session calendar may be adapted to longer duration classes over a shorter period of time as needed. Classes take place outdoors, in nature and may be affected by weather events. We typically start a new session each quarter.
We work hard to make these classes accessible -- the initial 8-week session is funded through grant awards when possible and available at no charge. Ongoing participation may be available on a fee-based schedule. Please understand that we have limited capacity and may not be able to accommodate every interested participant or may have a wait list until a spot is available.
Your Commitment
These programs are available because we believe strongly in the impact for our participants. To fully benefit, we do need a few things from you:
Consistent participation based on the agreed-upon schedule at the beginning of the session.
Timely communication regarding any changes or arising needs throughout the session.
Open feedback regarding your experience. What works, what doesn’t, and how we can best serve our community is all helpful.
An open mind and willing attitude. You will be surprised at what you learn and experience here with the horses!
Program Eligibility:
Participants must be at least 6 years old, able to participate outdoors in a small group environment, and not pose a threat to themselves, other people, or the animals. They must be able to follow directions and have safe behaviors in this dynamic environment.
Registration Process
Complete the appropriate Interest Survey:
Once received, our staff will be in touch to confirm eligibility, availability, and timing for our next session.
When a participation spot has been confirmed, the following must be completed.
Click on each item for the appropriate form.
*The Registration Form and Liability Release need to be completed and emailed to: Erin@rubyshomeforgood.org
When all necessary forms have been processed, you will receive our address and detailed directions to the facility.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or difficulty with this process!
PLEASE NOTE - We currently have office hours 2 days/week.
We appreciate your patience and will respond as soon as we are able.