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Healthy Horse Habitat

Horses thrive when they have:

Friends - other horses to socialize with

Forage - free choice and appropriate hay or pasture

Freedom - to move and express themselves naturally.

Our horses live in a Paddock Paradise track system and we encourage equine caregivers to adapt their horse keeping to meet their horses' primary needs.  


Our commitment

At Ruby's Home for Good, our commitment is to put our horses' needs first in everything we do, prioritizing their perspective and creating an environment that is both positive and beneficial for all.

Horse Nature

Horses are highly social and connection-seeking animals. They live in family groups and rely on one another for safety and comfort. The awareness of the herd allows individual horses to rest while honoring their prey animal instincts. They communicate with one another through their body language, energy and intention.

Horse-Human Partnerships

Interactions with our horses are rooted in our appreciation for their nature, our understanding of their communication, and our deep commitment to creating healthy relationships. We grow together in a safe and positive environment through a variety of unmounted activities.


Spending time in nature decreases your blood pressure, heart rate, and unhealthy hormones like cortisol.

Horsemanship activities can reduce stress, anxiety and depression while improving self confidence and motivation.

Our Partnership-Based Horsemanship approach encourages mindfulness, relaxation, and empathy for others.

Horses have an energy field five times greater than humans. They can regulate our heart rate, bringing peace and calm to their human partner.

Interested in learning more about best practices for healthy and happy horses? Need help with making changes for your own horse's wellbeing?


Would you like to experience firsthand the benefits of positive horse-human relationships?

We welcome opportunities to share our knowledge with individuals, families, and community groups. 

HELP US continue to do this important work and make our programs accessible to all members of our community.


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